Kids & the COVID Vaccine: What You Need to Know

Dr. Pamela Valenza, Tepeyac Community Health Center’s Chief Health Officer, joined a panel of experts composed of local doctors- Kaiser Permanente pediatrician Dr. Matthew Daley and Denver Health critical care pulmonologist Dr. Anuj Mehta- for a virtual event held by The Colorado Sun where they answered questions regarding the COVID-19 vaccine for kids, its safety and efficacy, and how to keep kids safe while unvaccinated.

While most adult patients surveyed at Tepeyac Community Health Center showed interest in getting vaccinated, parents of kids who are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine were mostly hesitant with only 45% saying they would get their children vaccinated.

“People have concerns in two predominant areas: safety, (including) long-term safety concerns, and the immediate side effects,” Valenza said.

Answers to these and other COVID-19 vaccine for kids related issues are addressed during this hour-long discussion below.

***Please keep in mind this is a recording from a live online discussion.

(C) The Colorado Sun


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