Talk to your doctor from home
Physically Distant Doctor Visits
Telehealth (Telemedicine) allows you to communicate face-to-face with your provider, even if you are in a different location. Patients can use telehealth to get medical care, behavioral health services, behavior change counseling, and health education.
Visit with your provider on a video call using with medical-grade HIPAA-compliant tools. Get the most up-to-date medical care and education at a time and place most convenient for you.
How to Sign Up
1. Complete the Telehealth Consent form.
2. Call (303) 458-5302 to schedule your Telehealth appointment.
Telehealth FAQs
+ How does telehealth work?
At Tepeyac, we use the latest HIPAA-compliant, encrypted technology that is easy to use. To get started, our team will provide you with a consent to agree to use telehealth services, and instructions on how to access our telehealth software.
During your telehealth visit, the provider will be able to see and hear you. You will see the provider on the video screen. Some virtual visits can also be completed through a phone call.
+ How privacy will be protected?
Our providers will tell you if anyone is with them that you can’t see. Our providers will not work out of “unsecure” areas, like coffee shops, where non-medical people could overhear your visit. If you do not want someone to be present at your location or the provider’s, please let us know.
We ask that you tell our providers if anyone is present with you off-screen. We also request that you do not make a recording of the visit on your end without your medical provider’s permission.
+ Who can use telehealth?
Anyone who can use technology like Skype or Facebook can use telemedicine. More than half of U.S. hospitals now use some sort of telehealth, and that rate is increasing every day.
+ What are the limitations of telehealth?
We don’t know all the limitations of telehealth yet because the technology is changing quickly. However, some providers believe that the technology may be less useful in certain medical situations compared to traditional in-person visits (for example, children who can’t speak and children who need certain types of exams).
We only offer telehealth services that we believe are appropriate for the technology. We also continue to assess our services on a regular basis to make sure that we are offering the best, high-quality care.