Pediatric Care / Children’s Health
Children are the future, and at Tepeyac, we take great care in providing high-quality pediatric services to children and their families.
Tepeyac has a team of pediatric providers ready to help your children stay healthy through all stages of childhood, from birth to age 18. Schedule regular check-ups to ensure that both you and your child receive the support you need.
· Newborn Care
· Well Child Check-ups
· School & Sports Physicals
· Immunizations
· Growth & Development
· Illness & Injury Care
· Therapy & Behavioral Health Services
For An Appointment Call: 303.458.5302
We are accepting new patients.
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What we do
In addition to our full team of pediatric providers, Tepeyac has a dedicated pediatrician on staff, Dr. Colomba Marcantonio. Having a pediatrician on our team is important as it allows us to provide a higher level of pediatric services within our clinic for children with more complex medical conditions, neurodiverse children, and children with increased behavioral needs.
Child well visits are preventative care visits for patients ages 3 to 21 and are conducted annually. Well visits for children ages 0-3 occur with greater frequency. A typical well visit includes: a physical exam, age-appropriate vitals check and vaccines, developmental assessment, and screening for emotional wellbeing and safety. Improving vaccination rates is a major priority, as rates decreased nationwide due to the pandemic. These visits also provide a natural opportunity to engage with family members around healthcare for themselves and other family members.
We pride ourselves on seeing patients regularly: 74% of our patients ages 3 to 21 have had a preventative care visit in the past year. Tepeyac is currently the second highest-performing health center in Colorado for this measure. Pediatric patients at Tepeyac can access a comprehensive care team which includes a registered dietitian, registered nurses, case managers, behavioral health therapists, and dental care in addition to their medical provider.
Our new clinic includes two private dental operatory rooms specifically designed with our pediatric patients in mind, in addition to our open dental operatories. For pediatric behavioral health services, we offer art and play therapy and individual, family, and small group therapy services.
Come check out Tepeyac today for you and your family!
2021 Gold Adolescent-Centered Environment
In 2021, Tepeyac was certified by the Adolescent Health Initiative. The Adolescent Champion model of care ensures a health center’s environment, policies, practices, staff, and all aspects of a patient’s visit are adolescent-centered. This certification requires that staff receive training on being youth-friendly, adolescent brain development, adolescent consent and confidentiality, cultural humility, and communicating with adolescents.